
It takes like seven years for every cell in your body to die and be replaced. Despite the amount of time it takes for the body to be completely renewed, WE, OURSELVES, can change so quickly.

Physically, it may not seem as though we change as quickly as I’m making it seem. The thing is, we change so much everyday, though very subtly. Our hair grows half a millimeter per day on average. A petty amount, but still a change. Our faces mature, our skin gets darker, lighter, scattered with freckles from days exposed to the sun. The changes are so microscopic that we aren’t phased by them in the least until we notice that, wow, these jeans have been washed one too many times (maybe I gained some weight), or, rad, my hair is so long that it touches my butt. Maybe that sun has made your face a blister. Maybe holding up a sample of your skin now would be an enormous contrast to your skin a month ago due to the fact that you spend your days baking in the oven that is the outside. There are little things that we don’t notice until we compare ourselves to our former selves, and there are so many possible outcomes. Are you going to be excited about these changes? Or disappointed?

Now, on to the scarier (and frankly, potentially devastating) changes. This would be the extreme transformation that can take place in a matter of days, hours, minutes, even mere seconds. A friendship that was held with such high regard just moments ago can be swept away with a small act of carelessness. Maybe you’ve noticed that the boy whom you love has lost his gentle touch and that sweet smile of his that would whisper “I love you,” is now hardly present. Maybe the father you have always adored is nowhere to be found; in his place is a sneaky and indifferent man that you are not fond of. You wouldn’t see any of this coming. Quick changes in personality are the worst, and additionally, the hardest to pick up on. Even you can change, without your immediate knowledge, for better or for worse. A year from now, are you going to be disappointed with the qualities you have acquired? Or will you choose to make those changes ones that will make you and others proud?

Everyday, this is what needs to be on your mind. Only you are in control of who you are and what you become. Whatever you were, it doesn’t matter. Whoever you want to be, you can make it happen. Take the initiative. Change, improve, evolve.


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too many love stories

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